Healing Prayer


feeding . . . gathering . . . carrying . . . leading . (Isaiah 40:11)

Dearest family,

On Sunday we took time to give what amounted to a long notice about a particular aspect of our healing prayer ministry, in which context we sometimes have to deal with issues that have generational roots as well as fruits, where the freeing, redeeming and healing work of Jesus is needed. It’s not always about the more obvious sins and traumas which I certainly mentioned on Sunday. Sometimes it has to do with patterns of passive unengagement or non-involvement that leaves a legacy of unformed and unencouraged personhood. My aim on Sunday was merely to put the headline facts before you. There is a RELATIONSHIP of influence and effect between generations. The sons of the fathers do affect the sons. Scripture talks about “like mother like daughter.” Of course, there is equally an inheritance of possible blessing and giftedness. It is not one-sided. I also stressed the biblical call to RESPONSIBILITY to every generation.

So here’s the summary of what we’re trying to do and when as we want to be those described by the call of Isaiah 58:12 who raise up “the foundations of many generations.”

  1. On Sunday I affirmed some spiritual facts about generational sin and the spiritual need for generational healing.

  2. On Saturday, this coming Saturday September 26th, from 7-9p.m. in the Fellowship Hall, Celia will be leading a seminar with further teaching, including DVD input from Francis Macnutt and Peter Horrobin, and practical help to assemble and discern your family tree (genogram) in preparation for prayer and healing and deliverance.

  3. The third session will be on Tuesday September 29 th, which is our customary monthly Healing Prayer service at 7:30p.m. here in the Sanctuary. We always end this time with Communion but on this occasion we will be dedicating the entire time to leading a Generational Healing Eucharist so we can bring these family trees to the altar to put them under the blood of Christ, to avail ourselves of the power of the cross where all iniquity was borne, and leave them behind.

For this venture I asked “What is our hope?” here is some of my response.

  1. In the midst of the cycles of all these changing and changeable generations, of your generations, however they are described, or have been experienced, we need to note what has remained the same and what is good and always available for every generation. Of course, it is the changeless God of creation, God of all generation and regeneration. To the sin of a generation, his redemptive love and power brings regeneration. Listen to these texts for they establish our hope on the basis of who God is to, and through the generations without ever a millisecond break in their histories: His faithfulness is to all generation (Ps. 119:20); My righteousness and salvation will continue from generation to generation (Isa. 51:8); Though father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me (Ps. 27:10); Your dominion endures through all generations (Ps. 145:4); Your throne endures from generation to generation (Jer.2:31); God’s covenant is for all generations to come (Gen. 9:12); Your memory is perpetuated through all generations (Ps. 45:16); His name I AM by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation (Ex. 3:15); Keeping covenant of love to a thosand generations who love him and keep his commands (Dt.7:9); The plans and purposes of the Lord stand firm through all generations (Ps. 33:11); Your renown endures through all generations (Ps. 102:12); Your mercy extends to those who fear you from generation to generation (Lk. 1:48) 2

  2. The fact that we are applying this teaching at a eucharist a week Tuesday expresses the basis of our assurance, not only in who God is, but who Jesus is and what God did through Jesus’ work on the cross. All iniquity was laid on him. Iniquity is the common word used to translate the generational sin, the sin of others, that affects us, that imposes its consequences on us. Because of the cross, we can confess our generational sin, we can repent of our generational sin, we can forgive the generations and their representatives that have afflicted us, that have invited such oppression into our generational life, that have worshiped an imposter and accepted a counterfeit.

  3. The basis of our assurance that there is hope after generational sin has to do with the fact that when we commit our lives to the lordship of Jesus Christ, when we come to the cross to repent of the sin for which we are accountable and responsible in our generation, something incredible happens. No wonder Jesus described it as being born again. Is there any wonder that the devil seeks to belittle and mock this description of salvation above all others, that to be called a “born again” is a term of abuse. “What is born of the flesh is flesh…” That is describing the natural means and results of human generation. But “what is born of the spirit is spirit.” This is the spiritual means of regeneration! To be born again is not, as Jesus said, to be born of blood, but of God. The whole context in which we live our personal histories now has been radically changed. One of the outcomes of being translated in to a new kingdom is that we are now part of a totally different generation. It is not the generation of our earthly forbears that principally defines our lives or our prospects, but what scripture describes as “the generation of Jesus Christ.” No longer is the main issue about our respective genealogies. We need to know that they no longer have any power over us. Their influence and bondage needs to cease, be cut off. Not only do we have a new father, we have a whole new family in this generation. Jesus said, “whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister.” The misery and depression that was contingent with our generational sin, has been transformed into a celebration shout as, by the spirit of adoption, we all cry “Abba! Father!” Now we understand the purpose of the cross as expressed in Isaiah 53:10 “It was the Lord’s will to crush him and fill him with grief. Yet when his life is made an offering for sin, he will have a multitude of children, many heirs.” The cross inaugurates a whole new kind of inheritance. We can be delivered from every generational sin and its judgment into the generation of Jesus Christ! Because of the cross, the curse of generational sin is past. The cross stands between us and our ancestors, our familials, and their sin shall not have dominion over us. We will not give the demonic a place in our lives to rest and roost and lay claim to another generation. We are the property of Jesus, we are his heirs, we will live as sons and daughters of the Father. Hallelujah!

Pastorally yours,

http://www.christourshepherd.org/pastlet.htm (and follow links to download MP3 audio of sermon)


Please pray for VAL LUNDQUIST for complete
healing from a serious back injury. You may
contact the office for updated progress.

NEW HOMEGROUP: The Livingstons will be hosting a new Homegroup on Capitol Hill on Sunday evenings. Please call Scott Livingston at 202-369-1554 if you are interested in attending

MEN’S MINISTRY: There will be a men’s breakfast on Saturday, August 26th. Food and fellowship will begin at 9:00 AM, and Kirk Mitchell will share a testimony and lead us into discussion beginning at 9:30. Childcare will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact Matthew Tropiano (matthew.tropiano@navy.mil) or Luke Sunukjian (562-441-6084).

MEN’S MINISTRY: Save the date, 17 October, for a Collaborative Men’s reakfast (Grace, Advent, Ascension, WCF, Rez and COSC) at Casa Del Pueblo Methodist Church, 1459 Columbia Rd. NW from 9 AM - 11 AM. Call Luke ((562) 441- 6084) or email Matthew (matthew.tropiano@navy.mil) if you can provide a casserole, and please pray for this event.

WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Join us this fall for a monthly evening Bible Study on topics affecting women. We'll be hosted by Tritia Yuen (450 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Apt 824) and our first gathering will be Friday, September 25th, from 6:30-8:30 for dinner and Bible study. This month's topic: Role of Women in the Church. Contact Tritia at tritiayuen@gmail.com for more details.

NEWCOMER’S CLASS: For anyone interested in becoming a member of COSC, there will be a newcomers class on Thursday, October 15th at 7:30 PM in the Fellowship hall. If you are interested in attending, you must call the church office.

The COSC Church Retreat will take place on the weekend of October 3-4 in Harrisonburg, VA. The final deadline for Registration is this Sunday, September 27th.

For general questions or building use inquiries, send an e-mail to office@christourshepherd.org.

To communicate updates for the pastoral letter and/or the church bulletin, send an e-mail to ben@christourshepherd.org. The church bulletin will be completed by end of day on Thursdays.

Bulletin Board
Postings not officially sanctioned by COSC

ROOMMATE WANTED: 4-person Capital Hill rowhouse looking for Christian female starting Oct. 1. Rent is $560 plus util. Lease would begin Oct. 1. If interested contact Amy, amyserridge@gmail.com

ROOMMATE WANTED: 1 bdr available w/a new full -sized bed for condo in Ballston includes full use of the guest bathroom Washer/dryer in unit, wi-fi, fully furnished. Rent is $1100/month not including utilities. If interested please contact Jennifer Lee at jenndlee@gmail.com.

ROOMMATE WANTED: Room available for CF. Large attic room in a house with 2 CF’s + 1 cat. Nice house at 6th & E Streets, NE. $734 a month + utilities. Possibility of furnished or short-term. If interested, contact Liz at lizzokennedy@gmail.com.

ROOMMATE WANTED: CF in mid-20s looking for 1 or 2 CFs to share a 2 or 3 bdr apt./house in the city, preferably on Capital Hill. Would like to start least November 1 or later. If interested, contact Ani at ani.shahinian@gmail.com.

JOB: Grace DC Pres. Church is seeking a nursery supervisor for 1-2 year olds (around 12- 15 of them) and helping to manage the weekly vol. (4-5 adult church members). Hours will be Sundays 4-7pm. Should have prior experience working w/children. $20/hour. Please contact Emily Baldwin, 202-285-0613, Emily.baldwin@gmail.com

HOUSING NEEDED: Seeking short-term (2-6 month) room rental from mature Christian woman or couple, or longer-term with CF young professionals. Metro accessible is needed; my car is still in California! Kristen, kharitao@yahoo.com or 650-793-3756

Remember to pray for our city and nation on Friday afternoon during the time of the public Islamic call to prayer on the mall.