feeding . . . gathering . . . carrying . . . leading . (Isaiah 40:11)

Dearest family,

Just in time for our new Summer Teaching Series starting next week, “LIVING ON THE VINE”, I concluded “THE LAST WORDS OF JESUS” series on Sunday with a message that explained why Revelation chapters 4 and 5 are the very necessary conclusion to Jesus’ correspondence with the seven churches. The last message to Laodicea ended with Jesus, the Lord of the church, standing at the door and knocking. If the book of Revelation ended there, then the door would be the entrance for Jesus to come in to our space and place, to enter into the environs of our heart, to kindly and conveniently, come to where we are. And that is true and necessary. Don’t get me wrong! However, it is in fact only half the story. Regardless of how you get to that door, the thing is to get there, because the moment it begins to swing on its hinges, something is revealed that not all the effects of Hollywood’s best special effects could ever capture, given what explodes in on you in a nano-second! So awesome, so massive, so brilliant is it that no one is thinking anymore about what was behind your door, behind your shades, in your little space. The paintings of Jesus, standing outside the door, looking somewhat lost and forlorn, with a bleak and drear landscape behind him, as if he is homeless and desperate for a place to hang-out, couldn’t be further from the truth.

Chapters 4 and 5 show us what is on the other side of the door; show us what we close our lives to when we resist the call of Christ. When we think we’ve got a handle on what is really going on, this tells us what is really going on. The messages to the churches that we have studied are thus sandwiched between two incredible visions of the risen, glorified Christ, in control and on patrol among the churches, and in control and on the throne in the heavenly realms. In both instances there is a common message. You can only understand eaaarth, your life, and unfolding history from heaven’s vantage point. Without an understanding of this, you will fail in your perception of your circumstances, and in your conclusions about what is happening. You will believe that it is the world that overcomes and you will be skeptical at best about the promises to the overcomers in these letters. When these churches met they were overcome, not overcoming, and subverted and pressured and oppressed and challenged and tempted by all sorts of things. They were fragmented and some of them had even experienced some of their members being scattered through backsliding or persecution. But suddenly, a door is opened and in a blinding moment, they, and we, are given a searingly coherent vision of what is really going on, not just in heaven, but among us whenever we gather to worship in Jesus’ name.

Of course, for a detailed review of the message you’ll have to get the tape or CD or download. But let me remind you that what I was showing you was that this incredible vision of the throne, by telling us what the throne communicates, also tells us what takes place, what is effected, what transactions are settled when we gather to worship, regardless of how feeble or overcome or generally discombobulated we are. For the seven churches that were tempted to be dominated, not only by Caesar’s throne but by all the other contrary influences to overcoming faith, this was an invitation to get a heavenly perspective on things, to understand things from a heavenly vantage point, when they couldn’t see past the end of their noses that were out of joint. Given that 7 was the number that represented reality and completeness, we noted 7 observations about what this throne does, and therefore what worship does for us when we gather as a community of faith.

  1. IT RULES: Our God reigns. Are you connected to this throne and are you submitted to trusting his rule for your life? Do you understand why our worship never tires to declare that our God reigns? In worship we recover the reign of God over our lives and realize it afresh in the affairs of men. Does he reign over you?

  2. IT REALIGNS: The throne is central therefore as Petersen writes, “Worship is centering. It realigns our waywardness, it recovers our direction and our position. Are you connected to this throne and is your life aligned with the will of God and not with the constellations of false hope, false ideas, false premises, false promises. Do you understand why our worship draws us back to what is most nonnegotiable in our relationship with God, and in our alignment with his truth? Are you in the center of his embrace or are you off-center on another trajectory? Is your life realigned with his will and his affections for you?

  3. IT RELATES: Needless to say, if the throne is the place of centering, then by definition, it is a phenomenal context for gathering. We are immediately given a description of all the beings and creatures that are there together.” Are you connected to this throne and relating to the body of Christ? Do you understand why our worship relates us and binds us together, our differences becoming the very evidences of our experience of the reconciling and relating power of this throne?

  4. IT REVIVES: There is a poignant moment in 5:4: John says, “I wept and wept because no-one was found who was worthy to open the scroll.” The tears speak of a longing for change, a desperation for revival, a cry for deliverance. They speak of the fear of being excluded, and of hopes unfulfilled. They speak of the frustration at not being able to do anything about the presence of evil. But the throne is the place where the revelation of the Lion of Judah is given. “Do not weep! See, the Lion… has triumphed.” Adoration dispels abandonment. Are you connected to this throne? Do you understand why our worship revives us, because it revives the memory of the one who is worthy to open the scroll and thus give us an explanation, an understanding of God’s purposes in our histories and circumstances? As for what we do not and cannot know, it is sufficient that the scroll in his hands.

  5. IT REVEALS: The throne is the place where the scroll is opened, where there is revelation about the actions and purposes of God. It becomes a place of great assurance. The seven seals indicate that this is a testament, of the will of the Father no less. It is at the throne that Jesus is able to break the seals and reveal the will of God, showing Himself alone to be the one who is worthy to be trusted. When we know that the Lord is in control, when we understand he can be trusted to execute the Father’s will on our behalf rightly, then tears are indeed dried and the spirit is revived. Are you connected to the throne where not only your flagging faith and spirit are revived but where you get a fresh, faith-restoring, faith-quickening revelation that the scroll is written unusually on both sides, meaning He has so much to show you? Do you understand why worship settles our fears about the will of God, and always counts us back in where we have excluded ourselves through our doubts or ignorance, and always brings a revelation of the father’s love and compassion and mercy and grace toward us?

  6. IT REJOICES: It’s good to state the obvious. The throne is the place where joy pulsates, cascades, avalanches, so unself-conscious about volume or length. Heaven is crammed with songs. Are you connected to the throne so your joy can indeed be full, so the joy of your salvation can be restored and continually renewed. Do you understand why worship is essential for both the expectation and experience of joy as well as for its expression? And by the way, they worshiped loudly!

  7. IT RESOLVES: I love what Petersen says about this: “At the throne of God we are immersed in God’s Yes, a yes that silences all our noes and calls forth an answering yes in us.” The throne is the place of settlement. There are no loose ends here. The closing word is simply a loud “Amen!” which of course means “Yes!” or “Let it be!” It is a massive and hearty agreement with God, a mighty affirmation of who God is, an affirmation of his Word to us, his requirements of us, his desires for us. “Amen!” Why do we say it so quietly? It is big and bold, prophetic anticipatory. In the throne room there is no place for stuttering “uh-huh’s” or uncommitted “maybe’s” or doubting “um’s” or procrastinating “er’s) Our lives get littered and jammed with any number of “no’s” many of them which began as little yes’s but were really rejections of the will and ways of God in our actions, our attitudes and our affections. Are you connected to the throne where we recover the truth of God’s huge Yes to us in Christ, his acceptance of us, and where in return, we recover our agreement with his will. Paul wrote, “All the promises of God find their Yes in Christ.” And all the people said a really loud “AMEN!”

Together with you around the throne

http://www.christourshepherd.org/pastlet.htm (and follow links to download MP3 audio of sermon)


Come to a farewell party for the Wyrtzen family at the McBurney’s on Saturday June 20, 11:30am— 2:30pm. Bring your own meat to BBQ and RSVP to Melanie Sunukujian with a potluck dish. melsunuk@gmail.com.

Men's Breakfast, Saturday 27 June, 9:00 AM Leading into Discussion: Johann Ducharme Childcare will be provided.

“An Introductory Course to the Christian Faith” beginning on June 25. Contact Kelly Doley (kwdoley@gmail.com) or Brandon Prichard (brandonprichard@gmail.com) if you’re interested in attending or bringing friends or if you have any questions.

*MADE IN AMERICA* Come celebrate the newest Kamon (due date July 25) at a red, white and blue Baby Shower, Saturday, July 11th, 11:00 a.m. at Nancy Merritt's home, 512 11th Street SE, DC. Bring a scripture to pray over the baby! Group gift: Call Maria Keffler, 703-971-3818. Please respond to Nancy, 202-546-0120

BBQ cookout after church Sunday, June 28. Proceeds to benefit Ashasthan Home in Mumbai, India (this is where Alys McAlpine spent the last 4 months).

Come see the COSC Flock softball team play Monday, 15 June, West Potomac Field 3 at 7PM. If you have questions, email Matthew at matthew.tropiano@navy.mil or Anne Hall at anne.hall16@gmail.com

You are invited to a Baby Shower to welcome Julian to the Chenoweth family and the COSC family on Saturday, June 27 at 10am at the Temenaks’ home. Call Carla Temenak at 301-434-5232 to RSVP and for information about a group gift.

Bulletin Board
Postings not officially sanctioned by COSC.

HOUSING: Sept 1 – Room Avail - Looking for a CF to share a Kingstone, Alexandria, Va,4 BR/3.5 BA townhouse with three Christian, female 30-somethings.Rent - $584/mo. + shared utilities. The available room is upstairs, sharing a full bath with one roommate. Shared living space includes the entire main floor with a living room, dining room, and kitchen, basement living room, upstairs attic space for storage, and laundry room with washer/dryer. Free gym membership. O/D pool open during the summer.

HOUSING: Looking for Christian female subletter in Chinatown (DC), Aug-Sept. Furnished sunroom. Apartment features shared bathroom with washer & dryer; A/C; high-speed wireless internet and cable tv; and two wonderful roommates, both working in international development. We're looking for a Christian female in her 20's or 30's who's neat and friendly. $750/mo + utils (approx $65/mo). Website http://www.galleryapts.com – Chesapeake Floorplan. Garage parking available for additional cost. Dawn, dancerdawn05@yahoo.com

HOUSING: Ben Doggett, Jim Song and Johann Ducharme are looking to rent at 2 - 4 bedroom house on Capital Hill, ideally walking distance from COSC and metro accessible. Their target move-in date is July 1. If you have a place to rent or are aware of one, please e-mail Ben at bdoggett@gmail.com.

HOUSING: unfurnished bedroom with private bath for rent in SFH for single woman in Cape Code SFH 3.5 blocks from East Falls Church metro. The 3 others are single professional women in their 20s, one of whom is also in grad school. Rent $765/ mo + utils ($60-100/mo). Parking available. Available July 1. Christina, christina.m.watts@gmail.com or Jessica, espngirl@gmail.com