feeding . . . gathering . . . carrying . . . leading . (Isaiah 40:11)

Dearest family,

I said on Sunday that if I was doing a series on the “A-Z of hope” then the letter “A” would be the logical place to start. In that case, Hebrews 6 would be a passage in the first chapter, simply because it invites us to learn about hope from two “A’s”. The first is a person: A for ABRAHAM, and the second is an object, A for ANCHOR. We never did get to any comments about the anchor, as I only had time to make some preparatory remarks on the first of these, Abraham, as we looked at Genesis 15 and 18, and also Romans 4, to understand why his name appears so readily in a discussion about hope. For the purposes of this letter, I’ll just draw your attention to four quick points about the anatomy of biblical hope from Romans 4, as illustrated by Abraham who is presented as our great example for faith and hope. We are invited to imitate him. But it is more hopeful than just imitating him. He is not merely our exemplar, he is our spiritual father. “Against all hope Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations…He is the father of us all…” (Rom.4:16-18) What does Gal.3:29 tell us? “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Spiritually we are his seed so have the same DNA to hope, but because we are his seed we also have inherited the same promise as the ground of our hope. His hope “against all hope” in God, shows us how to hope against all hope in Christ and for our future.

Hope is about a person: “in the sight of God, in whom he believed” (4:17) It’s all about who God is. Hope is before him: it is utterly related to the dependability of God. It’s not about my insight but being in his sight. It’s not about my perspective on the future but on the assurance of God’s presence there as well as here. In whom: this is not about the grade of our hope or faith, but the goal of our hope, to believe in him, to be with him.

Hope is about a promise: “I have made you… Abraham in hope believed..” (4:17-18) Our faith is first in the one who promised, then we exercise our hope in what was promised, but the “what” never displaces the “who”. When there’s nothing to go on, there’s something to stand on: Standing on the promises that cannot fail / When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail / By the living word of God I shall prevail / Standing on the promises of God. “I have made you…” (promise) leads to Abraham…so became…” (fulfillment)

Hope is about a persuasion: “being fully persuaded…” (4:21) Where there was no conceivable hope (literally!) Abraham did not allow the facts of what he saw by sight (“that his body was as good as dead”) to overcome the holy facts of faith. The text says he did not weaken or waver. It was a matter of fact, not a matter of fate. Hope does not deny the reality and the state of his virility or Sarah’s fertility. The NT nowhere plays down suffering in order to elevate hope. On the contrary, as we’ve seen, you almost always find them in the same context. Examine the facts and exercise faith in the future facts that God has promised for us. “Weak faith on thick ice is better than strong faith on thin ice.”

Hope is about a provision: Again, this deserves a full treatment, but the fact is that there are endless by-products of hope in God’s future promise that are reaped in our present life. Strength and effective-ness of present discipleship is utterly contingent on our biblical hope. Abraham reaped present blessings as a result of his future hope and so will we in our daily discipleship. It is amazing to me how many books on discipleship never deal with this necessary subject.

  • Listen to Peter (2 Pet.1:13): “as long as I live in the tent of this body” It is because of the hope of what is to come that he is aware of the temporary nature of this life and therefore the need to escape the corruption of the world caused by evil desires and live a cleansed life. Hope provides both a motivation to change your life but also an empowerment to do so.

  • Listen to Paul, in Tit.2:1-13, Paul lists many manifestations of godliness in those who seek to adorn the doctrine of God our Savior. The mark of these people is that they are “looking for the blessed hope”. Biblical hope will, as someone has put it well, “affect what we do with our lives – our talents, our time and our treasures.” You could argue that the different results of discipleship are calibrated by convictions about biblical hope.

  • Listen to Jesus: Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…” (Mt.6:19-20) The hope of heaven as a spiritual habit of mind, a “supernatural orientation” as Harry Blamires described it, settles the issues about what we value, and how we make decisions about what we invest in. It will also help us decide what we divest as of no usefulness in the work of the kingdom of God.

The old song goes: “Father Abraham had many sons, many sons had Father Abraham…” May we all be his sons and daughters, not only in faith but also in hope, and like him, against all hope…hope.

Hopefully yours,

http://www.christourshepherd.org/pastlet.htm (and follow links to download MP3 audio of sermon)


  • Our Candlelight Christmas Service will be on Saturday, Dec. 18th at 6pm (there will be no service on the following Sunday morning). Please bring something sweet or salty to share for a time of fellowship after the service.

  • Church of the Resurrection will be having a Christmas Eve Service on Dec. 24, 4:00pm.

  • On Dec. 26, we will have a shorter communion service, beginning at 11am.

OFFICE CLOSED: The Church office will be closed from Dec. 24—Jan. 4.

MEN’S RETREAT: January 29-30, 2011. Men, please join us for a weekend of fellowship and encouragement. Stay tuned for details.

HEALING PRAYER TRAINING: There will be a Healing Prayer Training course in 2011. An introduction to healing prayer will be held on Jan. 15, open to everyone, and the Level 1 training (open to all attending a homegroup) will be held on Feb. 19, Mar. 5, and Mar. 19. Email Deborah if interested, deborah@christourshepherd.org.

CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: Faith Tabernacle has invited us to join them on Dec. 18, 10am— 4pm, for a day of shopping, festive music and holiday treats. There will be handmade crafts, jewelry and specialty items for sale. Faith Tabernacle is located at 300 A St. NE.

Donations for 2010 must be received in the church office (or must be postmarked) on or before December 31 to qualify as a 2010 contribution. Contribution statements for 2009 will be mailed by January 31, 2010.

End of year checks designated for Care Company must be made out to “Care Company,” not COSC.

Bulletin Board
Postings not officially sanctioned by COSC.
Ads will be posted for up to 4 weeks. After that time period,
please contact the church office to see if space will permit the ad
to remain posted.

HOUSING WANTED: Barrett Bowdre is looking for short term housing in DC in the spring, roughly January/February to May, while he interns at the New Atlantis publication of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Looking for housing in range of less that $725/mo. Preferably near Cap. Hill, a metro, or accessible parking. He also has a potential roommate to share a space with if that would be a preferable situation. Contact barrett.bowdre@gmail.com.

HOUSING AVAILABLE: Nice, cozy room in Dupont Cir townhome available for $700/mo. + util between Dec. 4 and Feb. 24 (Dates are flexible). Townhome is located 5 mins from Dupont Cir metro, 7 mins from Foggy Bottom/GWU metro, 2 mins from Starbucks and 8 mins from Trader Joes! If interested, please contact kwdoley@gmail.com.

HOUSING AVAILABLE: Looking for CF/CMs for 2 rooms available in a lovely 3 bedroom townhouse near Del Ray, Alexandria. Fully furnished. Walking distance to bus/metro. Lots of parking available. $600-700/mo. + Util. Contact andrew.wasuwongse@gmail.com.

HOUSING AVAILABLE: Late-20s/Early-30s roommate wanted to share huge master bedroom in historic Victorian mansion in intentional Christian community with 4 young professional women (and 2 cats) in Mt. Pleasant neighborhood. BR has fireplace, private bath, spacious closet. Roommate is an early-30s female who values having a clean space. Large backyard, wrap-around porch, 2 full BA, 2 half BA. $531.50/mo. + util. Available immediately. Contact Laura at lauramgood@gmail.com.

Worship Team
Monthly Gathering | Tuesday, December 14th | 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Even if you are not sure you want to join the team, we would love to get to know you and worship with you. Bring your voice or your instrument, and feel welcome to worship with us.