feeding . . . gathering . . . carrying . . . leading . (Isaiah 40:11)

Dearest family,

As we approach Easter Week we want you to be aware of all the opportunities to participate in worship. Please make note of the enclosed calendar of services.

We especially want you to note something momentous and exciting that will be happening during our Palm Sunday service. It is with great joy that we will all be participating in the ministerial ordination of Bo Parker. This is the climax of a process of preparation and examination that Bo has satisfied in all respects, with regard to his fitness to fulfill this calling in the service of the Body of Christ. Pastor Steve Fry will be with us from Nashville, representing the Ordaining Ministerial Association, overseeing the liturgy and bringing the message. Please be sure to be at COSC on time. We want everyone to be there for this great occasion. It is truly appropriate that we conduct this service during Easter week as it is the risen Christ who gives such gifts of ministry to the church.

You, your family and friends are joyously invited to attend:

10:00 A.M.
A reception of cake and punch will follow the service

Pastorally yours on behalf of the elders,


Congratulations to Chris and Sarah on the birth of Liam Edward (9lb 7oz, 22.5”) on Friday!

The next Night of Prayer will be April 4, from 6pm to midnight.

We are having a water baptism service on April 19. Please contact the office to reserve your place! A pre-baptism class will be held before the service on April 5 for adults, and on March 29 for any children or youth considering baptism.

The next Evening of Healing Prayer will be on Tuesday, March 31. If you would like an appointment for healing prayer, or if you would like to come and sit in the sanctuary during the evening, call Deborah at the office (202-544-9599) by Friday, March 27.

April 5—Adult/youth Softball at Randall Park (South Capitol and I Streets SW) after church. Bring lunch and enjoy playing or watching.

FREE Apologetics Evangelism Seminar Series

  • Apologetics Evangelism with Postmodern People, April 3-4 with Prof. Jerram Barrs

  • Tactics in Defending the Faith, May 15-16 with Greg Koukl These will both be at McLean Presbyterian Church. Free attendance with registration at

Care Company Opportunities: (202-422-7032 or

  • The next Righteous Renovation is an urban collaboration with other local non-profits to build a playground at Hopkins. Come and help on the planning committee!

  • Adult Literacy Volunteer—We are looking for men interested in mentoring men from Central Union Mission who have a desire to learn to read. Please contact us ASAP if you would like to find out more information.

Intercession News: “Seek God For The City 2009” (Feb. 25 to Apr. 5) booklets available. Suggested donation $3. Lost & found will be cleared out April 1. Thanks!

For the men of COSC:

Men's Breakfast, 28 March, 9-1030 AM. Start time at 9:00
Testimony Experience: Brent McBurney Discussion and Challenge to follow. Child Care will be provided

For the women of COSC:

  • On April 13, the next book club meeting will be held at Laurie Chenoweth’s house to discuss the book Expecting Adam by Martha Beck.

  • Women’s Retreat June 6-7 at the Bishop Claggett retreat center in Maryland

Bulletin Board
Postings not officially sanctioned by COSC.

HOUSING—Brookland/Catholic Univ: 4BR, 2.5 BA four story with semi-finished basement & backyard, w/d, cac, d/w, parking. 7 min walk to Rhode Island Av Metro. $3000/mo, 1 year lease with deposit/application/credit check. Avail mid-April. Tom & Dee Scriven, 703-403-5026

JOB OPENING: Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center seeking part-time bookkeeper/office manager. Need general office skills, must be organized; experience in or ability to adapt to donor base technology and computer finance recordkeeping. Janet Durig, 202-546-1018

INTERN HOUSING: Christian Legal Society (CLS) hosts summer interns with ADF Blackstone Fellowship. The students work in the Center for Law & Religious Freedom, assist with our cases and help us to assist others whose rights are being violated. They are typically hard-working, conscientious, passionate, and love the Lord. We need 2 households for 1 intern each June 19 - July 31. ADF requires that they have their own bedroom and strongly prefers that they not be housed with young people (teenage through college) of the opposite sex. We don't know yet the gender of this year's interns. They also receive a stipend to help pay for food and other costs while they are here. Casey Mattox,

U.S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon: Begins 6PM May 3 with Genesis 1:1 and runs for 90 hours, ending at 4PM on May 7. Reserve your time to read with Terry Shaffer Hall via email at / 202-441-6455 (and follow links to download MP3 audio file of sermon)