feeding . . . gathering . . . carrying . . . leading . (Isaiah 40:11)

Dear family,

I covered a lot of ground on Sunday so I suggest you get the tape or download the MP3 for follow-up! Remember the main point, that we have an opportunity, to use Paul’s term to the Corinthians (2 Cor. 1:24) to be a “helper” of another’s joy. The fruit of the Spirit that is joy should equally be a mark of corporate identity, and I spoke about ways that we could increase the joy of a community, not just our own personal lives.

I thought you might be interested in the compact summary I put together of Jonathan Edwards’ argumentation for taking joy seriously (to use a C.S. Lewis term!) Edwards argues that at the end of the day, there are two primary distinguishing marks of a transforming work of the Spirit of God: love to Christ and joy in Christ. Regardless of any other manifestations or miracles, that’s it. Assess your life and your ministry, assess transformation and revival by these he argues, and he had seen it all. Is there an increase in your love for Jesus and is there an increase in your joy in Jesus. Is there? To quote him: “Joy in Christ is one of the most basic exercises of true faith and its nature is supernatural and glorified. True faith must consist in holy affections.” Edwards bolstered his argument with other pertinent observations.

  • The fact is that scripture teaches that the activities of the heart and will are strong and vigorous. “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord…be joyful in hope.” (Rom. 12:11)

  • We cannot live without affections: they were given by the Creator and are the well-spring of our actions.

  • Things only take hold of us in so far as they affect us.

  • He argues that all of this is equally inferred by biblical descriptions of a heart that is estranged from God, that is described as hard and unaffected and joyless.

  • The most eminent saints, he points out, were people of strong affections. Strong apostolic ministry, global mission, is born in strong apostolic affection. Why are we surprised then that Paul mentions joy more than any other apostle. Over 21 major mentions and treatments. Next comes John with 9!

Jonathan Edward’s observations about this vigorous affection of JOY are direct and simple so let me use them as a convenient summary to at least agree we are dealing with something of great import and magnitude. I am reducing a mass of biblical material to a sound byte so don’t judge God or Edwards by my presentation here! It will at least serve to throw you in to the biblical argumentation and truth about joy.

  1. It is the strong affection of God: “He will exult over you with loud singing…” (Zeph. 3:17)

  2. It is the strong affection of heaven: “Let us rejoice and give him glory” (Rev. 19:7)

  3. It is the strong affection of Jesus: “Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit said I praise you father…” (Lk. 10:21) 4

  4. It was the strong affection released through the incarnation: “I bring you good news of great joy” (Lk. 2:10)

  5. It is a strong affection and fruit of the Holy Spirit: “The fruit of the Spirit is joy” (Gal. 5:22) “The kingdom of God is (a matter of) joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 14:17)

  6. It is the strong affection that is the accompanying and sustained gift and manifestation of salvation and knowing God through the finished work of Jesus Christ: “In his joy he went and sold all he had” (Mt. 13:44) “There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (Mt. 15:7-10) “The ransomed of the Lord…. ever-lasting joy will crown their heads…joy will overtake them” (Isa. 35:10)

  7. It is the strong affection that characterizes those who love God and are revived: “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love so that we may sing for joy all our days” (Ps. 90:14) Lack of joy is a sign of unrevivedness or back-sliddenness. “Make me hear joy and gladness that the bones you have broken may rejoice…Restore to me the joy of your salvation.” (Ps. 51:8, 12)

  8. 8. It is the strong affection that inspires, accompanies and results from spiritual duties:
    a) Prayer: “I always pray with joy” (Phil. 1:4); “I will give them joy in my house of prayer” (Isa. 56:7); “ask…and your joy will be complete” (Jn. 16:24)
    b) Word: “The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart” (Ps. 19:8); “When your words came…they were my joy and my heart’s delight” (Jer. 15:16); “You welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit” (1 Thess. 1:6)
    c) Gatherings: “At his tabernacle I will sacrifice with shouts of joy” (Ps. 27:6); “They offered great sacrifices because God had given them great joy!” (Neh. 12:43)

  9. It is the strong affection that is the source of spiritual strength and release: “The joy of the Lord is our strength” (Neh. 8:10)

  10. It is the strong affection that will always be the fruit, the outcome, the product of truly spiritual ministry: “We work with you for your joy” (2 Cor. 1:24)

  11. It is a strong affection that is independent of circumstance: “Blessed are you when you are rejected…rejoice and leap for joy!” (Lk. 6:33)

  12. It is a strong affection that is commanded: ”Be joyful always” (1 Thess. 5:16) Lewis understood this: “In commanding us to glorify Him, God is inviting us to enjoy Him.”

  13. It is a strong affection that God withdraws as a judgment or punishment: “The joy of the harp ceases…all joy is darkened” (Isa. 24: 5-8)

Any questions about the necessity for joy as a fruit of our lives?

Joyfully yours and wishing to be a helper of your joy,
Stuart (and follow links to download MP3 audio of sermon)


ISO musicians, dancers, worship leaders for Kids Worship, which takes place every Sunday at 11:45am on the first floor for all the Sunday School classes. Steve Kho,

Please be praying for Urban Hands—our theme scripture this year is Matthew 6:33, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Come see the COSC Flock softball game on 20 July, field 3 at West Potomac Park (off of Ohio Drive behind the FDR memorial) at 7:00pm! Contact Anne Hall (

if you have any questions! If you consider COSC your church home for this season of your life, please make sure the office has your current contact information for inclusion in the directory. We list emails, mailing address and telephone numbers.

The Evening of Healing Prayer in July will be open for sitting in prayer. We will not have appointments, but anyone regularly attending homegroups who would like to come and soak in an atmosphere of prayer and take communion is welcome. Do call the office and speak to Deborah if you plan to attend. Tuesday, July 28 at 7:30pm (to about 8:45/9:00) 202-544-9599, extension 10.

Bulletin Board
Postings not officially sanctioned by COSC.

HOUSING AVAILABLE (for women): -Alexandria: Sept 1 – Looking for CF to share Kingstowne 4 BR/3.5 BA townhouse with three. $584/mo +utils. Room upstairs shares full bath with one roommate. Shared living room/dining room/kitchen/ basement living room/upstairs attic storage/and laundry with washer/dryer. Free gym membership. Summer outdoor pool. Near shopping, I395/495, walking/biking trails. Missi,

-Chinatown: Looking for Christian female subletter in Chinatown (DC), Aug-Sept. Furnished sunroom. Apartment features shared bathroom with washer & dryer; A/C; high-speed wireless internet and cable TV; two wonderful roommates, both working in international development. We're looking for a Christian female in her 20's or 30's who's neat and friendly. $750/mo +utils (approx $65/mo). Garage parking (extra). Dawn,

-East Falls Church: 1 bedroom with private bath for rent in SFH for single woman in Cape Cod SFH 3.5 blocks from East Falls Church metro. The 3 others are single professionals in their 20s, one is also in grad school. Rent $765/mo + utils ($60-100/mo). Parking available. Jessica, or Christina,

SHORT-TERM: 2 Rooms available for women in townhouse; master bedroom with private bath for $700/mo +utils; smaller bedroom with shared bath for $550/mo +utils. Kitchen/ living room/dining room are shared and furnished. Off Maryland Ave at 14th St close to all H St amenities and bus to Union Station or Potomac Ave Metro. Available immediately thru the end of September. Jen, 202-494-2076 or

HOUSING AVAILABLE (for men): -Col. Hts: Looking for a Christian male to share 5BR/3.5ba spacious coed house with 4 other 20-something Christians. Rent $810/mo + utils. Room upstairs shares full bath with one roommate. Shared kitchen, LR, DR, sunroom, w/d, back porch & grill, basement storage. 2 blocks to S2 & S4 bus lines; near Rock Creek Park. Johann Ducharme,

-Col. Hts: Seeking Christian male renter for room in 3rd floor apartment. Near shopping, entertainment, Metro. Shared kitchen, living room, bath, washer/dryer, small deck. $700/mo + utils. Avail June 23. Chris,

JOBS: World Hope International has an opening for an Operations Administrative Assistant. View more information at or email

International Justice Mission has two jobs open; part-time Web Developer, & part-time Staff Accountant. Interested? Visit

FOR SALE: Gas clothes dryer, gas range & oven, refrigerator. $25 each. Larry & Jan Winnes, 202-544-4882

NEEDED—GLASS BOTTLES/JARS: Calling All Recyclers! In lieu of vases at my wedding, we will use glass jars and bottles (clear glass) for the flowers and candles. Instead of recycling or throwing your jars, give them to me! I will be back in town and at church August 9, 16 or 23, or contact me and we’ll set up a dropoff time. I need them all by Aug 28. Thanks in advance! Erica, or 202-441-8765

WANTED: Little boy’s black or charcoal gray suit to buy or borrow. Size 5 needed. or 202-441-8765

HOUSING NEEDED: Lease ends July 15. Interested in short-term (2-6 month) opportunity renting a room from a mature Christian woman or couple, or longer-term with a home of CF young professionals. Metro accessible is needed my car is still in California! Kristen, 650-793-3756 or