1 Corinthians 12:7

‘‘Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” As we break this verse down we discover 3 important points that inform us about the purpose of the gifts...


Dear family,

Before church on every second Sunday of the month morning at 8:30a.m. we meet to focus our prayer on Next Generation and in particular the children and youth (123 of them!) who are part of our church community. We also pray for the 50 adults who help in one way or another in the Christian Education and Youth ministries as teachers and aides and pastoral support. Please continue to pray for, bless and encourage Chantal and Khari and Greta, and Monique and the Youth Team, as they pastor and nurture the next generation. But we need more than 5% of the body showing up to pray! There’s prayer every Sunday morning and you have no idea what you’re missing, but those there know they’re missing you. See you there … please? Thank you!

On Sunday I brought a third message on foundations for spiritual gifts. Thank you for your attention and responses. I’m so encouraged by feedback from home-groups. Obviously, I covered too much to fit in this letter but let’s reiterate the last few minutes worth by reaffirming the truths of Paul’s last verse of introduction (1 Corinthians 12:7) “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” As we break this verse down we discover 3 important points that inform us about the purpose of the gifts:

• The mention of “manifestation” gives the clue. It literally means “shining forth, making something known”. The invisible becomes visible. It also carries the idea of something being carried to the mind and the senses that is unmistakable.
• The idea is that just as a flashlight lights up at appropriate moments because there are batteries within, we can manifest the gifts of the Holy Spirit because of the Spirit within. “We do not become the depository or reservoir of omnipotence. We become the yielded channels through which omnipotence manifests itself to meet any emergency of life or ministry.” (McAlister)
• An important associated idea in the word “manifestation” is that of nearness. Gifts are the evidence of God’s nearness, His presence. So it’s not just a matter of power but a matter of presence. God is “on the scene”. Gifts reveal the presence of God.

• “all of them in all men … to each one is given … to one … to another … When you come together everyone has …” (12:6,7,8,9; 14:26) The point here is not to put down public leadership but to lift up all members to a place of engaged ministry. You cannot miss the emphasis in these passages: each one, everyone, all. It is inclusive not exclusive. “Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it.” (12:27) The verb form “is given” is present tense. The idea is that the manifestations are for particular immediate circumstances and times and make sense. This raises the anticipation level, and the expectation of members.
• Do you still think that the “each one” cannot/ does not include you? I’m not … I could never…. (Fill in the blanks.) Remember dear-heart, while we were an enemy Christ loved us and chose us, and He continues to do so when we think we’re still not what we ought to be. Of course we’re aware of what is yet to be attained but don’t let that stop you enjoying what has already been obtained.
• Summary: any gift through any member, any time, anywhere.

• Finally, it is all “for the common good” Second to the glory of Jesus is the good of the church community. This message is consistently and repeatedly presented: for strengthening, encouraging and comfort, for instruction, for self-edification, for building up the church and blessing others.
• Chapter 13 about love is the key in the heart of it all. Our desire for the gifts becomes a yardstick for our love for others and our desire for their blessing. Openness to the Holy Spirit is not primarily for our well-being but for the good of another. Your understanding and experience of the gifts is not a private affair. They are going to be premised on your committed involvement and incorporation in the body of Christ. It is impossible to read these chapters (12-14) and not be convinced that spiritual gifts are a community experience not just an individual one. Familiarity with the gifts should increase with the deepening of familial bonds. The question, “Do I have the gifts?” has no meaning unless we also ask “Do I want to profit the body? Packed into the phrase “the common good” are two ideas: benefiting and bonding.

Let me conclude by saying again that Paul presents the gifts as something in the church not something just in the individual. They are not for private benefit. We are called to speak to the body not at it. Gifts are bestowed because you are an essential member of the body. If you become disconnected you become dangerous. In the body, our legitimate individuality is submitted. If it isn’t it will become an individualism that will be discordant and disruptive.

Next week we will take a helicopter ride over the 9 manifestation gifts. Meanwhile I hope you have gleaned something from this introduction that makes the whole subject matter desirable and achievable, and if you forget everything else, that: they are for blessing the Lord Jesus Christ; they are for blessing people with the ministry of Jesus Christ and they are for building the church of Jesus Christ

This should all be very liberating for us. We’re in it together. Gifts are an inextricable expression of our worship and become absolutely necessary for our work. They are not:
• TOYS: for charismatics to play with and feel good about themselves
• TRINKETS: cosmetics to make us look good and feel more superior and spiritual but they are:
• TOOLS: for building the body and blessing Jesus.

So, as I blessed you at the end of the service:
• Stir up the gift that is in you
• Do not neglect the gift that is in you
• Covet earnestly the spiritual gifts

And in the words of 2 Timothy 1:6, “fan into flame the gift of God which is in YOU”!

Your greatest fan,