Dearest family,

One of the passages I referenced on Sunday in our study of the words of Jesus to the church of Pergamum in Revelation chapter 2, was Hebrews chapter 4. In verse 13 we read: “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. “ That’s enough to make one shiver a bit. How does it make you feel? We are not always happy to be known. There are things we don’t want known about us. Every letter to every church includes the words “I know…” The fact is that each letter reveals the things that the churches would rather have kept hidden or off the radar. But the point I want to make is that God’s knowledge is not limited to the things we’d rather not acknowledge. He tells us the things that He knows that are a source of incredible comfort to us when we hear them. This was certainly true for the church in Pergamum.

Do you remember anything of the description I gave of that city in my introduction? How bad was it? Even scripture describes it as an HQ for the demonic. This is repeated, and given the rarity with which the actual name “Satan” is used in scripture, the fact that it is mentioned twice in the same verse is unprecedented. That is how concentrated and intense the presence of evil is in this place “where Satan has his throne…where Satan lives.” However, the obvious and simple point to make is that despite the depth of the darkness and the demonic, the debauchery and the dissipation, there is a church here that is being addressed by this letter. Though the darkness is great, it has not extinguished the burning lamp-stand that is this community of persecuted and besieged believers. Truly, a light still shone in the darkness, and in the words of Jesus, the darkness couldn’t put it out. Truly, greater is He that was in them, than he who was in the world.

The comparison of the opposing forces and parties is presented in the very title of Christ that is used in the introduction of verse 12: “who has the sharp, double-edged sword.” Pergamum was the city of the Roman sword. As the seat of government it was where that sword was exercised as the power of life or death. Jesus immediately calls all that into question with His sword. The sword of the Spirit trumps the Roman sword. This was a city of word-mongers, and we see at the very outset, that the finality of the word of God overcomes the word of men. This image of the word of God is crucial to a church that is experiencing that word being challenged by false teachers who were subverting its authority and its directives for holiness. It is in that passage in Hebrews 4 that we have the best known New Testament presentation of this same image, which gives us a biblical commentary on this text in Revelation 2:12: “For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” When we realize what it is that Christ is going to confront, namely the need for truthful teaching in the church when there is so much about that opposes biblical truth, then we realize the meaning of this choice of the sword. It is precisely a failure of knowledge of the word, of living the word, that has put Pergamum in terrible danger, and in fact, already infiltrated it and infected it. The Hebrews 4 scripture presents three aspects of the word’s work: it is a divider, a discerner and a discoverer. It divides the true from the false, cutting through the obfuscations and deceits; it discerns even the intents of the heart and confronts them for what they are; it discovers what is hidden and exposes what needs to be dealt with. Another scripture you could usefully study in detail here that equally describes the functions of this sword, this word, is John 16: it reproves us of sin, righteousness and judgment; it guides us into all truth; it shows us what is to come. Fundamental to the authority of Christ here is the authority of scripture. We need go no further than Christ’s own example. In Jesus’ personal confrontation with Satan himself, it was the scriptures that were his defense and offence: “It is written.” As you read the gospels listen for it: did you never read in the scriptures, you do err not knowing the scriptures, how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, this day is this scripture fulfilled, what says the scripture, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures, that they might understand the scriptures, another scripture saith, as the scriptures have said, search the scriptures. The faithful teaching of scripture is one of the most powerful weapons in spiritual warfare. The very word “diabolos” from which we get “diabolic” to describe the devil, is a word that means slanderer, or one who hurls accusations. In other words, the manifestation of the enemy is presented in terms of a word-war. The word of God overcomes the word of Satan.

But amongst the knowledge that this word-sword brings is the phrase: “I know where you live.” What a necessary word of incredible comfort for them and for us. Why do I say that? Because this is a very unusual text. The word that is usually used for living or dwelling somewhere, carries the meaning of being a sojourner, of it being only a temporary abode; it is the idea that we are just passing through. But here, there is a very different word used that does not denote temporary residence but permanent residence. It means that a choice has been made to settle in that place and accept that there is to be no escape from it. You can’t pack up and go somewhere cheaper or easier or warmer or friendlier or more conducive to ministry, or more responsive to the gospel, or less hostile to God. God has set you where Satan’s seat is, but because it is his placement he will be engaged and involved and committed to our lives here, and you will not be moved or undone or subverted by the pressures of the place. Hallelujah! I love this verse. This is about a spiritual GPS. God’s Positioning System. He knows where we are; he knows what we have to face and deal with and contend with and fight against where we are. He knows who else is there. Satan no less. In other words, he knows that there is a particular timbre, a strength, a virulence, a hostility in the geography against the church. The Lord knows what our particular environment and circumstances demand of us, require of us. He is mindful of our situation, of the challenges to our obedience and loyalty, the challenges to our worship and witness; he’s aware of the peculiarity of certain temptations and difficulties. He is the paraclete who comes alongside. Certain places like Pergamum, like Washington D.C., come with very particular oppressions and depressions, with particular darknesses and fears, with particular histories and curses. (This is why we prayer-walk!) This is why we pray for the healing of the land, because the Bible tells us how the land and local areas can become defiled. There are some geographies that have been handed over to Satan and the demonic, where evil rules and reigns, or where the land is barren and bleak. The Lord knows what affects us. Here in DC I hear a continuing litany of the effects of this place on people’s spirits, the seduction of this city’s life, the backsliding of so many Christians who come within its gravitational pull; the allure of its power. But he knows where we live! We need to spiritually discern and spiritually respond to what we deal with here. There are carnal oppositions and discouragements that seek to undo us. Who brought you here? Who placed you where you are? He knows where we live and His sword is our sword, and it is mighty to the pulling down of the strongholds that would oppose the purposes for which God brought us to this city to bless it, and to bless us. Hallelujah! The lampstand is burning in Washington D.C. because he knows where we live!

Pastorally yours,

Stuart (and follow links to download MP3 audio file of sermon)


The church office will be closed on January 19 - 20, 2009.

Women of COSC: New Beginnings – in celebration of a new year. Bring “starters” (aka appetizers), your Bibles, pens, story of something new in your life. 6022 Katelyn Ct. Alexandria, 1 mile south of the beltway off Van Dorn. Turn west onto Chrysanthemum, there’s parking a half a block on the left (just past some town homes). Katelyn is the next right, we’re in the second building, second unit on the right. The blue line Metro Franconia stop is one mile away and we can come get you! 703.598.1892 for any further info! Can’t wait to see you! (Jan 17 @ 6pm)

Pre-Inauguration Prayer-Walk 2009 - On inauguration day January 20th, an estimated 10,000 buses will be dropping visitors off at 12 designated Zones around DC. At each Zone, an estimated average of 40,000 souls will be landing in our city. Please consider taking advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to take up 1 of 12 Zones and prayer-walk there any time between now and January 19th 11:59pm (though sooner is better). Pray for righteousness to come into the city and unrighteousness and evil to be kept out, pray for the visitors and welcome the King (Jesus) into our city. Please contact Adrian Li (202-674- 2767 / if you plan to go or have any questions. Feel free to invite your friends from COSC or other churches along. Visit for more details, suggestion for prayers and the most updated information.

Join with Church of the Resurrection in a gathering of praise and worship, proclamation and prayer on Inauguration Day with Bishop John Rucyahana of Rwanda. Bishop John is the 2009 winner of the international William Wilberforce Award and the founder of the Sonrise Orphanage and School in Northwestern Rwanda. Join us at 5PM Tuesday, January 20, at COSC.

If you’ve had an abortion, God not only forgives, he binds broken hearts and proclaims freedom for those captive to the shame of an abortion. The Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center’s Post Abortion Trauma Healing (PATH) program provides a Bible Study support group to provide hope and healing. The next group begins in early February. Location and dates are confidential due the personal nature of this study. Please call CHPC at 202-546-1018 for information and to register. “He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn.” (Is 61:1-2)

Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center - Bowlapalooza!! Sunday, February 8, 2009 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM at Ft. Myer Bowling Center. Support CHPC by participating in their annual bowling fundraiser. You can bowl or sponsor a bowler with a tax-deductible donation. RSVP by Jan 30, (703-293-9017 or Registration is $20 per bowler (FREE if you collect $100 or more in sponsored donations) OR $40 per family (FREE if you collect $200 or more in sponsored donations). Contact Kristi ( with any questions about sponsoring or bowling!

Men of COSC: Men’s Retreat January 31– February 1. Sign up in the lobby after church on Sunday.

Newcomers class—for any who wish to learn more about or join COSC. The class is presented in a two-part series Wed, Jan 21 & Thu, Feb 19 at 7:30pm. RSVP to the office.

Engaging Contemporary Culture conference with guest speaker Professor Jerram Barrs. Friday, Jan 23, 7-9pm and Saturday, Jan 24, 9am-noon at Calvary Baptist Church in Chinatown. Registration is free, but required: http:// jerram-barrs/

We’re planning a water baptism service soon (January or February). Please contact the office if you’re interested in baptism.

If you are interested in helping with tax preparation for local low-income residents, contact Aaron Keffler at

There will be no Evening of Healing Prayer in January. The next Evening of Healing Prayer will be on February 24. If you need to arrange a healing prayer appointment or have any questions about the Evening of Healing Prayer in February, please contact the office.

Regeneration Ministries is offering An Introduction to Hope & Healing for men with unwanted same-sex attraction. Eight Mondays: February 2 through March 23, 2009 7:30PM to 9:30PM at The Falls Church—Southgate 106 E. Fairfax St., Falls Church, VA. For more information contact Peter Mitchell at Regeneration Ministries 703-591-4673 or

Gracie & her family appreciate your prayers over the past 21 months! Her race is not yet over...literally! On January 24, Gracie and many other kids needing complete healing from Juvenile Dermatomyositis will run/ walk 1-mile to raise research funds to help find a cure. To find out more information (& read about conquering the monkey bars!), visit

Nefret reports that the youth at Southeast White House made $4500 with their holiday candy project and would like to thank everyone who supported them!

You may want to check your Sunday route to church against the roads that will be closed this weekend in preparation for the Inauguration. The United States Park Police blog their press releases; you should be able to find the most recent closure listings here: http:// or

Visit the DC Mayor’s inaugural informational site at
PDF Map of road closures for January 18:

Bulletin Board

Postings not officially sanctioned by COSC.

HOUSING: Furnished bedroom and bathroom available in January for Christian female(s) at 10th and E Street NE. 15 minute walk to Union Station and Eastern Market metros with library, shops, parks, and restaurants nearby. Shared kitchen and laundry plus internet access and ample storage. Must appreciate young children. $750/month or $1000 split between two renters (includes utilities) plus $100 security deposit. Contact

SEEKING HOUSING: 22 year-old poli. sci grad from Biola University; moving to DC to look for a job. Interned in DC and attended COSC. Looking for a room to rent near COSC, Eastern Market, Capitol Hill, or a Metro stop. I am looking to arrive around the first week of January and need a room for 6-9 months to get myself established. Justin LoFranco; (951) 694-2084 or

SEEKING HOUSING: recent graduate from Ithaca, NY; moving to DC to work for World Vision in DC office starting late January or early February. I am a Christian female and looking for short term housing for several months (until June or so). My current position is temporary and I am planning to look for a long-term position. Chieko Wada, or 607-279-8010