Malachi 1: 1-5


Dearest family,

The very opening words of Malachi’s message to Israel would have caused them to brace themselves for what was about to come. It reads: “An oracle…” The important original sense does not necessarily come through this translation. It would seem to mean that this was a pronouncement or a declaration. If you knew about the Greek Oracle, the place of exchange with the gods, then you would maybe assume that this was at least a divine communication. It helps to know what it means in this context however. None of the above meanings are true to the root of the word used, which more literally should be translated “burden.” It is the word used in Ps.38:4 describing a burden of guilt. It is the word used in Ezek.23:5 to describe the load put on the back of an animal. The best way to understand it is by reading Jer.23:33 where it says: “What is the oracle of the Lord?...You are the burden, declares the Lord!” Here is a sarcastic and judging response from God with a play on the word. “What is your burden, God?” “You are my burden!” You also need to know that in 27 uses of this word in an OT context, 25 of them carried the idea of something ominous about to happen or be said. In other words it is about the idea of weightiness combined with seriousness. As you know, the idea of weight is intrinsic to the biblical word for “glory”. It has substance. It is not some vague “will o’ the wisp.” It is not “wishy-washy.” God’s presence, God’s character, God’s revelation, God’s word are not ephemeral. Life without God is rightly described by some (like the novelist Kundera) as “the unbearable lightness of being” because it is a life that is not anchored or weighted by a relationship with God. We live in a world of lite-beer, lite-bread, lite-mayonnaise, and as the world goes so goes the church: lite-word, lite-services, liteworship, lite-ministry, lite-conviction. Sometimes it is reduced to liteentertainment. God’s word is not “lite”! This is an arresting, commanding and demanding opening to this prophetic word. As I shared on Sunday, it reminds me of Annie Dillard’s exhortation that ushers should hand out crash helmets to people in the pews after they have strapped them in! Do we have any idea about the God with whom we have to deal. Through Malachi, God is letting them know it is “crash-helmet” time. As for them, so for us in examining this text. God wants us to know that there is a pressing in his presence. There is a holy pressure and weight that his word brings. It is symptomatic of its seriousness, its importance, its priority. You can’t take-it-or-leave-it. It is a burden!

If you were one of those listening to Malachi and chose not to feel the weight of the word, then you would at least have to reckon with the sound that could not be ignored. It also suggests weight of volume. This is about an intensity of emotion within the heart of God for his people that causes him to speak out of that pressure, in a way that cries out. God is crying out! The question is: why aren’t the people? Why aren’t we so moved? Malachi (whose name you’ll remember means “my messenger”) has been drawn into God’s amazing transmission process. “The word of the LORD to Israel through Malachi.” It’s interesting to me that like the last book of the NT, the last book of the OT begins by stating God’s chosen means of transmission of truth: OF the Lord…TO Israel… THROUGH Malachi / OF Jesus Christ…TO the churches…THROUGH John. Both Malachi and John have messages that mark the end of an era. Similarly, I believe that we are called to be messengers in the late-history of our civilization. This opening verse in Malachi gives us some clues about what it is going to take. Let me emphasize the point by presenting it in the form of questions to determine whether or not you are preparing or prepared for the prophetic calling of the hour. What’s being received from the Lord by you? What’s working itself into your life ? What’s coming through you? To whom are you God’s messenger? Are you connected? Are you articulate? Are you ministering out? Are you a receiver? Are you a transmitter? Are you burdened? Is there a compelling pressure within to share the Lord’s words and to do his works? Do you have an interest in being prophetic not pathetic? Could God name you “my messenger”? Are you burdened by the message? Do you respond to God? Do you serve God out of duty or desire? The prophets were men with a burden! Are we?

Pastorally yours,


P.S. So I only covered the first few minutes of the message! For the other “several” minutes order a tape or a CD. Blessings in your homegroups! But get the burden! (and follow links to download audio of sermon)

For Prayer

Charis Whitnah—diagnosed with shingles (an adult variation of chicken pox).

The radio frequency broadcast license application for the Ministry of Jesus in Benin. The Murdocks received word that they’ve passed the pre-selection stage and are now one of 45 applicants for 5 frequencies that will be issued. Please continue to pray for the success of “WMOJ”!

Please continue to pray also for Scott Livingston, Brenda Lockard, Patty Whitnah’s father Charlie Bauer, and for Gracie Mitchell (


Night of Prayer this Saturday, Oct 6, 6pm-midnight.

Need to update your directory listing? Or were you not listed last year? If you plan to make COSC your home for this season of life, please contact the office to be added to our community listing! (202) 544-9599

We need someone to take pictures of the congregation inside the building on a Sunday morning—the lighting is very low. Contact the office if you can help.

Fundamentals of Healing Prayer: What Do They Mean For Me? has begun. If you want to learn about healing prayer, come to the 8:45am-9:45am sessions, Sunday mornings through October 21. Coffee served at 8:30am!

YOU ARE INVITED to...Who are my neighbors, & how do I love them? Come to Ebenezers Coffeehouse (201 F St NE) Saturday, October 6 at 10am for fellowship, teaching and to encourage one another to honor, love and respect the homeless in our neighborhoods. More information: talk to Monique, 202-544- 8312 or

Youth events:
OCT 20 All day event! (10am-9pm) at COSC
OCT 30 Fun night at WCF (7-9pm)

Youth Parents meeting:
Oct 20, 10:30am-12:30pm at the Parker’s.

Children’s Sunday School—reminder:
Kids, bring your Bibles to church!

Regeneration of Northern Virginia invites you to their 20th Anniversary Celebration, Oct 5, 7:30pm at Columbia Baptist Church. Come hear testimonies of how the Lord has set men and women free from sexual brokenness. RSVP 410-661-0284.

Stand in the Gap 2007 Prayer Team invites prayer warriors, both men and women, to join them throughout the day Oct 6 to pray for the men who are coming to stand before God. More information is available at

Ladies, Capitol Hill Baptist invites you to 2007 Women’s Conference, Oct 12-13, with speaker Noel Piper. Noel will be speaking on “The Psalm 91 Woman: meditations on living as godly women without fear.” RSVP by 10/4

WCF presents Walk Thru the Old Testament on Saturday, October 20, 9am-4pm and invites our congregation to join them. Cost is $20/ adult, $15 first child, $7.50 additional children (includes lunch & snacks). To register, visit or call Donn Northrup or Jesse Johnson at (202) 543-1926.


Postings are not officially sanctioned by COSC.

FOR RENT-DUPONT CIRCLE: One bedroom apartment. Available for 1-year lease starting as early as October. Rent approx $950/mo, including heat & hot water, but not other utilities. 17th/P NW, eat-in kitchen, big windows & lots of natural light. Susan,
FOR RENT: Furnished rooms available from Townsend family on month-to-month leases. Includes wireless internet & utilities, linens, microwave, fridge, washer/dryer, shared kitchen. 330 D Street SE $850/mo available 1 Oct 114 Third Street NE $850/mo available 1 Oct Karan, or 304-702-1872 Jason, or 202-415-7400
FOR RENT: Cheverly, MD: 2story, 4BR/2BA furnished brick house—available 15 Oct. 1 mile from Metro, near parks/community center. Fully furnished—everything from furniture & dishes to linens. Backyard, deck, eat-in kitchen, dining room, living room, office. Cable TV & wireless internet. Whole house $1950/mo plus utils or individual rooms $450-550 plus utils. Karan, or 304-702-1872 Jason, or 202-415-7400
FOR RENT-ALEXANDRIA: fully furnished house, Del -Ray area. Pleasant walk-able neighborhood. Avail Sept. Inquire at
SEEKING HOUSING: Christian male attending National Community Church, seeking house-share with other Christian men, to move at the end of Sept. Onu,, 202-486-2455.
VOLUNTEER: Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center is training new volunteers for 6 weeks starting Saturday, Oct 20 from 9am-noon. If you feel called to this ministry or would like more information, please call Ann Wink at 202-546-1018 or
PAGES TOUR 2007: Friday, Oct 12, 7:30PM at Immanuel Bible Church in Springfield VA. Shane & Shane, Bebo Norman, and Alli Rogers. Tickets ($18) at
MATH TUTOR SOUGHT: young girl needs help with middle school math/long division/pre-algebra. Would need help at least 1 night/wk. Preferably female, but… Karen, or 202-547-8807